isu ni bagi aku dah kira macam isu berbangkit, until D day tu tak tiba lagi until then isu ni akan sentiasa disentuh sedikit sebanyak! the issue is ' i cant see my future' ! ha'ah, aku tak nampak apa apa yang aku bakal jadi in future, kadang2 rasa takder life pon... i mean in CARRIER la... okay, now im studying in accounting information system...related to account yet we learn some system to do with account... yes!i know that this is one of good courses yang ada, especially nowadays dunia yang penuh dengan computerized thing-gy kan... everything pon have it's own system... its good about system but then aku rase macam tak dapat nak survived in accounting thinggy la... duuhhh! u know it! BORED! duduk kat ur office n ngadap benda yang sama is just like a killing machine taw... BOREDOM at the highest level ever! then, for my degree in 1/2 year from now i've been thinking on changing my course... well, something yang less boring la kan... currently thinking of doing financial or marketing.. or, dunno yet! arghhhh! what is my future kalau hala tuju hidup sendiri pon tak dapat nak buat decision! grrrr~i need a carrier doctor please, anybody? help me? -_-" i hve another 6 months to think bout this, and............ (urgghh! stressful betul!)
sy pon rse stress bce post awk yg ni... huhu...
ReplyDeletenape awk plak yang perlu stree sedang saya yang perlu buat keputusan? *bertambah stress*
ReplyDeletesbb sy bru nk lpekn ke'stress'an memikirkn nk amek course pe tym degree... huhh..stressssss....haha
ReplyDeletesaye pun jugeeeee=)
ReplyDeletesilent stalker - but u look happy thoo :P
ReplyDeletehappy for the outside..not my inside...as u always smile n positive thinker..=PP
ReplyDeletepositive thinking is just a shadow for me to keep my life stay on track! well, sometimes we do need a distraction and i take my positive thinking as a way~ :)