well, as for me a bit messy and done a lots of involuntary action cum decision pon decide untuk join-join malu contest nie..ahakss! (thnx for inviting yer dear sis) :)
actually kan, i like to try new things and lilit-lilit shawls is part of it and my idea of keep on trying, testing benda baru kadang2 turns out so pretty sedangkan kalau tengok betul2 memang ntah pahape jer gaya tuh..ahakss! ^^"
dan tu yang dapat idea untuk bagi nama for my gaya is :

salam..sy dtg terjah..
ReplyDeletewoaa..style tdg camtu sy ta penah pkai lg..tp mmg comel.. =)
thanks for joining..tunggu due date ok..15hari dr skrg =)
thnx sis, nggeeee~~ :)
ReplyDeletemestilah tunggu,, :D