well, macam tajuk tu.. desktop...i would like to show how my desktop looks like.
cik lappy saya takdelah hebat sangat pon... dia bukan spesis yang dikeluarkan oleh Apple. cik lappy saya yang kiut miut ni spesis acer. but no matter what.. saya sangat sayang dia... :) since dia ada dengan saya for almost 5 years already dan masih berkeadaan baek (walaupun dah banyak kali format) hahahahaha..
straight to the point.. kat atas tu picture of my desktop.. n kalau nak taw (kalau nak taw la) yang dlm kutak-kutak tu adalah benda yang penting for me and wajib ada in my lappy setiap kali ia diformat semula..
dalam kotak warna MERAH: ia adalah gadget yang saya download which it shows waktu solat. it can be customize according to your personality. the skins and also suara azan yang akan berkumandang. Nice kan??yup! memang pon... it can be setup according to where u are (yela kan, since lain tempat lain waktu azan, :)), but one thing for sure pasal this gadget is dia hanya working if there is internet connection.. kalau takder then dia tak boleh function....huhuhu.. (since saya ni jenis yang cepat leka so this gadget sanagt crucial, supaya tak miss solat- insyAllah,)
yang dalam kotak KUNING : also a gadget, it's a piano!! heheheh... since nak beli the real piano sangat mahal harganya, so this is my alternative! heheheheh... (ala, bukan reti main piano pun)..again, sebab tak pandai la tak beli.. at least with this little piano i learn to play something... practice makes perfecttt~ dont u think so too?? :) (dan saya sudah reti membaca not-not piano-yang basic jelah, uh!uh!! and saya dah reti main lagu happy birthday guna piano- even masih tercari-cari not dia) *betul ke saya eja *not* tu? errr.... ^^"
dalan kutak ORANGE! : it my note! benda-benda yang penting perlu saya buat then i'll jot it down here... (urr...the front page is note for hot to play happy birthday using piano) hehehehhe
in that PINK box : it's a VLC player... i prefer this player since the sound is much more better that others... saya selalu guna since i love to watch movies and dramas.. :)
in GREEN box: my photoshop... well, im not a pro, just a beginner...tak hebat mana pon tapi, saya suka guna software ni... i like to play with brushes... heheheh...
dalam kotak BIRU : my iTunes! saya main muzik saya di sini... since it is attach with other software which is asoftware that will show lyrics for song that is being played so, saya selalu guna... ( well, u can download it for free kat apple kan, so go and get one) hahahaha... walaupun tak guna apple, ade software yang berkaitan ngan Apple pon boleh lah, *wink wink*
and not to be forgotten, OTHERS! - my mozilla and my microsoft word!
mozilla - i think semua pon taw kan guna untuk ape??? ;)
and i need my words to do my works, well, new project in progress,
ohh!ohhh!! and my wallpaper!! see!!! i love my wallpaper... sangat weird tapi sanagt comel and see the words in the middle
yup!! that's me! :)
saya berminat dengan gadget waktu solat tu..cmne boleh saya dapatkannya???
ReplyDeletemasa saya cari dulu pun just kat google jer...awak type islamic gadget nnt die kuar result n awak choose mana awak nak... thnx for reading ya :)