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Saturday, February 26

unrecognized! or should it be never been noticed??

" sorry ye dik," ttbe jer dia bersura
aku dongak n mampu senyum la..tapi sumbing sikit.. huhu
"hey! adik apenyer! sebaya la!" sampuk satu suara..
"ohhww! yeke?" ala-ala terkejut ke memang terkejut??
aku pandang dia.. n dia pandang aku n kitorang sengih to each other..

alahai, dah 3 tahun kot.. 3 tahun?? eehh! bukn la.. 2 thn setengah jer.. tp xkn xpernah perasan kot yg aku ni sebaya ngan kau??? urggg! well! maybe to consequencesnye jadi secret admirer tegar macam aku... NEVER BEEN NOTICED! hahaha.. lawak betul la... ish ish ishhh! T_T

Sunday, February 20

anak ayam tok wi mati tengah jalan,

anak ayam tok wi mati tengah jalan,
sebab lintas tak tengok kiri kanan,

waaaaa! sekarang baru aku tahu kenapa kempen lalu lintas yg nak ajar kanak-kanak melintas tu guna AYAM as their model... ingat tak iklan tu??? yg ayam dok lintas jalan tu... (haaa! yg tu la) , last-last ayam tu mati sebab kena langgar! huhuh!

semalam la ni punya pasal! dok seronok sangat nak pegi pantai... tengah-tengah driving tu ttbe ade seekor anak ayam yg cukup innocent tengah ke hulur-kehilir dekat jalan raya... dah nampak dah... so slow down la kete tu kan... tapi anak ayam tu menggelabah pastu tak taw nak pegi mana agaknya... *i was expecting the chick to be under my car but suddenly ada bunyi, bup bup!*
OHHHH!!! TIDAKKKKKKK!! kancil aku tu macam langgar bonggol! CONFIRM!!!! CONFIRMMM!!! aku mmg dah langgar anak ayam tu!!! huaarghhhhhhhh!! memang boleh terus jadi ayam penyet! huhuhuhu... cian anak ayam tu... mati ayam! huhuhu...
paling tragik sekali, masa dia kena langgar tu, mak dier ada kat tepi jalan tu..adehhhh! besalah giler weyhhh!!!! mesti mak ayam tu sedih! ;(

maaf la pada owner ayam tu.. memang ak sengaja nak langgar! igt dia selamat...tapi dah ayam tu menggelabah agaknya...ciannnnnnnnnn!

Tuesday, February 15


hari keluar bersukan untuk my housemate!! gone for bowling tournament and went to McD to have supper! it's a FUNDYLICIOUS nyte ever!!! hahahah... scream, shout, excitement, happiness and all the laughter is just soooooooooo GOOD therapy before we can actually face our THREE-CONSEQUATIVE-TEST on 27th of FEBRUARY which is on SUNDAY!!! (grrr.) -- pasal test hari ahad can be tolerate tapi yg sakit hatinya is berturut-turut yg mmg takder gap! hailoohhh! are they trying to kill us silently???? giving all the pressure at the same time! a common test from SHAH ALAM! *im dying of reading toooooo many information within 2 weeks!* plus, nothing is saved in my brain cuz im toooooo stress! adehhhh (tapi kan farahin, macam mana bila tengah stress u can still manage to find the time to go out and have fun?? - it's called LETTING GO THE STRESS! - i wish!) here's some schedule for this week and the week after;
starting on tomorrow :
  • 17th February 2011 - possibility my dearest kakak (kak ain and kak wan) akan dtg melawat kami di rumah, which i bet mesti banyak story yg menyebabkan kitorang TAK STUDY? errrr??? ALAMAK!
  • 24th February 2011 - having an induction with part 1 student of my course at UiTM ( sejak dua menjak dah jadi senior ni, teringin jugak nak pegi induction kan...HAHAHHA... well, just for fun.. plus we have special occasion on that night too, better watch out! HAHAH *gelak jahat punya!
  • 27th February 2011 - T-Day! NIGHTMARE becomes REALITY, our tests day!!!! ARRRRGGHHHHH!!! time ni la otak mesti penat habis! 3 paper on 1 day!
10.30 - 12.30 = FAR 300 (akaun paper) 12.30 - 2.00 = TAX320 ( taxation paper) 2.30 - 4.30 = MAF 330 ( financial paper) *all basically is a calculating paper which each of them consists AT LEAST 2 tough topics! grrr. :(

S to the O to the R R and Y!

u know who u are,

adik, kakak mintak maaf...
adik, kakak tau kakak kadang-kadang being selfish..
kakak bukan sengaja pun.. kadang-kadang kakak tak sedar pun...
keadaan kakak yg buat things turn up to be like this..
i know sometimes u got hurt just by seeing some few things...
i never meant to hurt u..
i never meant to neglect u...
i never meant to set u aside...
but, unfortunately, u felt that way...
u felt to be left all alone..
u felt everything just seem to be broken and hurtful.
things just not turn out to be like what u expected..
things changed.. on ur own perspective...
and believe me, i think of u when i do what i do..
i think it for u because i guess it maybe the best for u...
i do it in my own reasons so that u never get hurt..
but they just effect reversely...
sorry if i hurt u so much... i'll try to make it up with u..
i'll try to make it fair and square...
everything happened just have their own reasons aite???

p/s: adik, kakak say sorry to you~

Saturday, February 12

year of RABBIT!

haaaaa~ nampak tak nampak tak?? all rabbits! from the smallest thing to the biggest thing i have... n ia berbentuk rabbit... n benda ni sbenarnyer unplanned pon... the first thing is phone ring... me and my buddy own it!! a friendship sign! heheheh ( al most hilang that day, thnx to me coz jumpa benda tu..kalau hilang..............) and the other stuff is my bunny slippers! kawan yang belikan n sangat comel! hahahahah.... and the last thing... my Cik Bit! new toys to play withh (HAHAHAH! CHILDISH GILER) noooo lah... first bear dapat dari ayah...selama dah hidup as a teenagers ni tak pernah dapat bear.. ni puas memujuk baru dapattt.. heeeeee~ lucky me!!!!

:::::: happy Chinese new year to all chinese in Malaysia.. a little too late, but at least wish kan, :)

p/s: and buat umat islam, selamat menyambut maulud Nabi esok, semoga hari-hari kita lebih berkat dari sebelumnya, :)

Monday, February 7


ohh! dah lepas seminggu bulan februari ni kan... and today is 8th february 2011.. dan lagi, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY MOM!! selamat hari jadi utk mak.. semoga panjang umur n dimurahkan rezeki hendaknya.... how long has it been mak dah jadi seorang mak???hahahah... n u have done such a good job in raising ur only daughter and also sons! well, life is something unpredictable kan...

here is a love letter untuk mak,,

dear mother, it been a while..
as for me have become ur only daughter but not the only child.
dear mother, im regretfull
of all the mistakes i have done towards you and and causes tears drop from your eyes.
dear mother, it's never been easy..
to become the only girl in a broken family..
dear mother, the never word which never fade away...
u never neglected me, u never away from me, and u never dispair me
dear mother, heart and joy..
all the happiness that we've been trough
and also all the hardness that never leaves us alone..
im sorry for everything that i say,
everyhting that i done,
everything tht i never even realise for all these years..
dear mother, how much as u love me,
and i love you even more...
it's just something that can be never revealed in reality...
my love just keep on hiding in the dark but never fade away, TRUST ME! :')

yeap! happy birthday mak! :)

skip! skip! skip!

and dah masuk sebulan jugak dekat uitm ni... and also... dah macam dah nak masuk final... eventho, final comes within 2 months in future but the way we're studying right now kind of dah nak macam final...evry day, books can never leave us alone... rasenyer nak cari masa utk bersuka ria pon kind of susah sgt sedangkan baru masuk bulan 2...haiyaaaa! im too stress but like i said before... doing my best for my final year!!! hopefully will grad in flying colors!!! ngeee~~~

Sunday, February 6

err. blank seketika..

scrolling down, saw something, and really shock! ok!
im going to stay away~
kan senang kalau cakap awal2..
eventho there's nothing but to think again, cakap jelah..
bukan makan orang pon... hailohhh~
im not sensed anything ok, not even a tiny pain..
so, go away n stay away, ;)

Saturday, February 5

my precious,

Shy pervading while whispering in your ear

Our story is covered by mystery

Feels happy when we looked at each other,

Oh look how pretty foolish it is.

While we gently walking at the alley

The gap like a sip of illuminated by sunlight coming through

I could not even know what it is

You instill in my little dream

My Precious(My Precious)

My Precious(My Precious)

It was like going to memories

a warm feeling

I don't want to disappear without a trace

My Precious (My Precious)

My Precious (My Precious)

Cherish even a small step forward

This excitement

That we will cherish as

Glorious in the wind passing over the collar

Your eyes, our hands together

The days of just pure sales work

Handed over while my heart comes

I was desperate and lost hope of an exceptionally

Broken sentences are still reminiscence turns

Were likely to be left alone

Did you hold on tight to my hands

My Precious (My Precious)

My Precious (My Precious)

Seemed my heart keeps beating

Silence gave your hand to me

My Precious (My Precious)

My Precious (My Precious)

If only you can passed by what ever it is

Can make it just like

This excitement

My Precious (My Precious)

Warmer than the sun

My Precious (My Precious)

More than any brilliant gem

Seemed my heart keeps beating

Silence gave your hand to me

My Precious (My Precious)

Which is cleaner than the sky

My Precious (My Precious)

More transparent, than some glass

If only you can passed by what ever it is

Can make it just like

This excitement

My Precious ..

by: jang geun suk ; ost: marry me, mary!

Friday, February 4

hari keluar 3 dara pingitan, uhukkks!

ehem, since ader org tu dah story mory dulu kat belog dier kan, so. do i care?? aku pon nak cite gak! hahahaah! (maaf ye kazen ku- ku copy gambarmu dah ku pastekan ke sini!) eheheh.. on 4th feruary 2011, tiga anak dara pinigitan sibuk nak keluar bersama...yezza! since kitorang mmg dah lama tak keluar sesama then decide utk kuar semalam, pegi sunway pyramid jer.. on afternoon lepas amik my cousins kat ktm then we go straight to sunway~ pegi makan McD sebab masing-masing pon dah kebulur kan, ;) (maaf big mac, sekebulur mana pon saya, saya tetap tak dapat nak habiskan awak semalam, seriously tak larat sangat~ dah masuk angin kot perut..huhuhu) then kunun-kunun nak pegi tgk wayang, but since takder citer yang menarik untuk di tonton then kitorang decide jalan-jalan je la weyh, kitorang tawaf the whole pyramid tu okeyh~ nasib baeek tak pkai wedges, or i'll kill my legs! hahaha, lenguh yg teramat... tp dalam lenguh2 tu sibuk jugak nak berjalan...hahahha.. SO MUCH FUN! and for all the tragedies happened yesterday, lets just keep it low, HAHA, kes pintu paling tak boleh blah! lawak!

and utk someone yg tak dapat nak join tu, maafla yer.. padan muka sebab tak dapat ikut! AHAHAH(gelak jahat ni) kitorang mmg so seronok pon semalam! ekekekek.. ;)
(p/s: im just kidding, next time kite hang out k, )
syieqa & sheera

dara-dara sekalaian, ribuan terima kasih sebab jalan ngan aku,

Tuesday, February 1


selepas cik lappy dah ssihat dan sudah di update dengan pelbagai benda alah baru, (nak jugak cakap kan)., abg saya dah install kan smula adobe photoshop saya!!! yippieeeeee!!! hahahahaha...betapa sukanya saya guna adobe photoshop nie...even a bit complicated tp puas hati!!! hahahahahaahah... yang sedeynyer AP yg lama saya dah upgrade dengan pelbagai jenis brush, fonts and bile miss lappy dah kena install semula everything is gone la kannn!!! wahhhh! meraung jugak lah..penat ooooooooooo nak cari benda alah tu mlm tadi berkeras stay up until late night pegi cari segala bagai jenis brush n patterns for my new adobe..(n before ni guna adobe cs je, now abg installkan adobe cs5) nasib baek interface lebey kurang....sooo, takder lah susah sngt...heheheheh.... lagipon, nak install benda alah ni cepat2 sebab ader keje nak kena buat...i have to do a logo for my assingment dan tersangatlah memerlukan my adobe ketika ini....penat oooo, banyak benda kena re-do~~huhuhuhu... tp saya berjaya!!! heheheh...dah resultnya! teng-teng-teeennnggggggg!!!!!