mereka kata saya mementingkan kesempurnaan, for some aspects of course.. cntohnya, i used to say something like this, *farahin, tudung aku ok tak?? ^urmm..kau tanya aku kan???urmm..actually tak berapa nak center..eheheh and the result is dia cakap, *alah! kalau tanya kau memang camtu, perfectionist sangat! and benda ni berlaruratan and kerap kali dikatakan oleh my few other housemates... hurm...mostly pasal appearance la...(itu yang selalu diorang cakap) as for me, aku takderlah rase term "PERFECTIONIST" tu perlu digunakan.. sebab it's just that sumthing yang aku rase perlu dititik beratkan...and tak jugak aku ni kena dalam keadaan sentiasa perfect kan (in terms of appearance okeyh) sebab sometimes aku selekeh jugak.. it depends a lot on my mood.. but maybe most of the time i try to look as nice as i can. sebab mak selalu cakap, * kena selalu nampak kemas, so maybe tu yang aku praktikkan kot... kot la, :) there are few others stuff yg diorang ckp aku ni perfectionist and that should not be revealed here, well... friends give thoughts and friends give advices... we are the one who's gonna take it or not kan.. as long as im not making something stupid or something which i will regret in future, so im happy the way i am.. girls! thnx a lot, u make me learn myself better, thnx so much ya!!
p/s: hey budak kecik!..hahaha..sentap ke kitorang seronok sangt??? hahahah..sape yg outing tak seronok?? even im a lone ranger pon i do have fun when im all by myself taw... hahahah...i'll teach u how to be a good lone ranger okeyh! and and, akak tunggu sanagt2 ader orang tu belanja akak makan mcD n not for free...hahahah...buy one for me, ;P
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