mulakan dengan... Assalamualaikum... ryte.. lets begin... aku.. Nur Farahin binti Abu Bakar. Born on 9th August 1990 n now aku dah melihat dunia selama 20 thn.. but think again.. masih banyak yg kena blaja.. 20 thn tu masih tak cukup nak blaja asam garam dunia (dunia ni macam main masak2 plak kan) ^^" aku.. Seorang gadis which can be describe as periang + positive thinker.. (org yg ckp okeyh).. and again.. to think again.. aku dah berubah.. itu ape yg aku rse la kan.. (some people say the same thing too).. banyak benda yg buat aku berubah sbenanrnyer.. realiti hidup.. lofe changes us u know.. experience betambah help us to make correct decision.. buat judgement yg betul.. rsenyer umo 20thn dah cukup matured ke nak buat decision?? (itu sampai sekarang pon saya tak dapat jawapan) aku.. now studying in UiTM Melaka, Alor Gajah.. 3 year for grabbing Dip in Accounting information System (DAIS).. Based on title jer pon rsenyer dah rumit kan.. yup! it thr TRUTH!! course ni mmg tough pon.. buat kpala otak rase nak pecah pon ader.. every sem it getting harder.. bur then again.. aku ade kawan yg sgt membantu.. whom boost me up to the limit.. i learn how NOT to sleep at night.. studying.. pushing my selp sampai demam n get a real bad headache.. and not to be missed... FALL IN LOVE.. trully LOVE.. (i think) ader 2 org.. the first one would be JUMPER (DULU) masa part 1 n 2.. N NOW im trully in love with sorang guy ni.. IRON MAN.. disebabkan tak taw nama dier so i just give him nick name yg aku rse sesuai.. the reason aku bagi iron man sbb im totally in love with iron man's eyes (the real hollywood actor for iron man) which is lebih kurang ngan mata dier.. So there it goes.. IRON MAN.. aku.. kini nak naik sem 5 which means aku ade praktikal.. in im doing it in Seremban... satu benda baru yg bakal aku buat dalam hidup.. get yourself something to do with(and this is it).. im working (kind of la kan ) rsenyer macam sekejap jer dah nak masuk part 6... next year.. middle of the year i will grad (hopefully.. InsyAllah).. and im thinking of continuing kat luar negara.. Australia is one of the choices that i have.. bukan niat nak jauh dari keluarga when the need me.. it just some kind of sweet escape.. nak escape from enviroment kal msia.. maybe kat sana (mimpi n berangan jer lebey) i will find myself.. (again..hopefully).. sounds like i lost myself kan.. truly speaking.. YES! i've lost myself since part 2.. hilang semua positive thinking n all the smiles i have.. for some reasons of course... n im not confessed all in here (of course la kan) that's all for now i guess.. im still learning my self though...
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